Thanks to all at plcmc who made this journey possible!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I've finished!! Yeah!! I was hesitant at first to dig in my heels and have fun, but after playing around with the sites it allowed me to see what is out there for us. This program has allowed me to spread my wings within cyberspace -- there are many, many beautiful stars around!!
Thanks to all at plcmc who made this journey possible!!
Thanks to all at plcmc who made this journey possible!!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
I succesfully downloaded a short title. I'd rather check something out from the library though.
I succesfully downloaded a short title. I'd rather check something out from the library though.
I was really disappointed in this site. It was difficult to search for information. If I want to listen to a NPR broadcast, I'd rather just go to the NPR site.
I was really disappointed in this site. It was difficult to search for information. If I want to listen to a NPR broadcast, I'd rather just go to the NPR site.
Videos: I enjoyed looking through these videos. I have one to share
As someone who loves taking pictures, but can never keep up with them, this is a handy site for allowing you to upload photos and putting them together in a slide show. I use this often to send photos home to my sisters.
As someone who loves taking pictures, but can never keep up with them, this is a handy site for allowing you to upload photos and putting them together in a slide show. I use this often to send photos home to my sisters.
Online Word Processing
This is such a wonderful tool!! This allows one person who may have Word send a document to someone else who has a different program. It allows for universality of the document so that it can be edited easily. It also allows groups who may be around the world from each other do a project together.
This is such a wonderful tool!! This allows one person who may have Word send a document to someone else who has a different program. It allows for universality of the document so that it can be edited easily. It also allows groups who may be around the world from each other do a project together.
Web 2.0 Article By Michael Stephens
While I agree with Michael Stephens that we should stay current on technological advancements, especially when we are serving people who are creating these advancements; there are definite downfalls to this, since we are overloaded with information and new advancements while at the same time trying to live life. It is not a perfect world, but we should do the best we can.
While I agree with Michael Stephens that we should stay current on technological advancements, especially when we are serving people who are creating these advancements; there are definite downfalls to this, since we are overloaded with information and new advancements while at the same time trying to live life. It is not a perfect world, but we should do the best we can.
Tags are useful for providing links via keywords for other people who want information. I could use the word "meditation" or "balance" to link sites for meditation classes or studios. The down side to tags is : they are not policed, so one could be led to a site that has spam....
This site is simply delicious. It has allowed me to save my favorite sites to this one site, without storing on my hard drive. And I can created tags within these to link other sites and to share information with like-minded people.
This site is simply delicious. It has allowed me to save my favorite sites to this one site, without storing on my hard drive. And I can created tags within these to link other sites and to share information with like-minded people.
Rollyo allows me to make a list of my favorite sites relating a specific subject.
Library Thing allows one to find titles in relation to subject. But one could not browse the book for information. It would be more interesting if the site had reviews of each title. This link would probably be good for someone who already read the book and wants others to read it.
Here is my library.
Here is my library.
Library Related Feeds -- finding LRF on bloglines was very easy! I signed up for "Pages Turned" and "The Shifted Librarian".
RSS Readers saves me so much time by bringing information to me from different sites that I usually have to check one at a time. It also reminds me of what sites are important to me.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Staying connected to technological advancements is hard for me. I'm techno-adverse, prefer to keep things simple and to live body-minded. Keeping up with technological advances (especially with computers) is a distraction from my usual hike/bike/yoga preferences and spending time on this computer causes me to lose time I'd rather spend moving and feeling. We live too much outside the body these days. But with this assignment I have played around with Flicker and have come to enjoy it! Looking at the amazing choice of photos to insert in my blog is kindof overwhelming, but so satisfying to realize that this ability is here at my fingertips!!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
3rd party sites allow me to post beautiful photos to my poetry!!

Is it caught
in your throat
like a wide-eyed frog
with a quick heart jumping?
Is it hiding beneath the shell
of your ribcage tight
and holding muscles
shallow? Or
Is it fluid?
like a gliding bird unyielding
open wings feather-wide
through blue?
Is it even
Can you feel a slight pause,
that delicate change in your
own rhythm tide?
How far
does your breathing go?
Does it fan the toes, the fingers
the ears,
the breath itself
--does it spread?
does it spread openness--
elation carried in a hum
to every, every, every
every pulse of the universe?

Is it caught
in your throat
like a wide-eyed frog
with a quick heart jumping?
Is it hiding beneath the shell
of your ribcage tight
and holding muscles
shallow? Or

Is it fluid?
like a gliding bird unyielding
open wings feather-wide
through blue?

Is it even
Can you feel a slight pause,
that delicate change in your
own rhythm tide?
How far
does your breathing go?
Does it fan the toes, the fingers
the ears,

the breath itself
--does it spread?
does it spread openness--
elation carried in a hum
to every, every, every
every pulse of the universe?
Thursday, August 17, 2006

I'm a quiet person. Don't like to talk much. I try to stay in the moment, but when the moment is uncomfortable, I am tempted to leave (which I have often done in the past). I am trying to stick to this process that I have to do now, and it is hard. I don't know what to say, afraid that I will say the wrong thing. So, here it is. Now, I am still here and all is well. I smile and breathe through it all.